April 14, 2011

Urban Dictionary

Open urbandictionary & find yours.

1. Your name? Annisa
"The greatest person alive in the world. She's so cool it's unbelievable!!"

2. Your age? 17
"The right age to start having sex, according to Chef on South Park"

3. One of your friends? Putri
"An Indonesian name meaning "princess"

4. What should you be doing? Study
"Pointless action of overworking the brain, memorizing information to find the test has none of that information on it"

5. Favorite color? Pink
"Color seen as the most stereotypical "feminine" color"

6. Birthplace? Jakarta
"Besides as the largest city in the world, Jakarta is the capital of art and culture, best food, nice people, gorgeous girls, great parties and rave, great Jazz fest, and every happenings that happening is here, Jakarta."

7. Month of your birth? November
"The best month of the year! Snow, getting ready for Christmas, celebrating thanksgiving & havin thanksgiving break!" 

Repost from Tiyut.