We decide to spend our time together again
We decide to do anything crazily together again
We decide to start it from zero
We decide to forget all the worst things in our past
We decide to make "it" more beautiful
We decide to.......not to be separated again ♥
And the point is :
However we try to through all day with each way, we'll never can do it because we just can through it all together. However we try to find another one, we'll never find it because you have me and I have you. However we try to not to meet, we'll always meet in every-unpredictable-time. And however I try to be alone and free, you always here *pointing my hearts* ;))
Welcome, N!
No more break up
Be everlasting love :3
Hm.... I miss you, Kapten Kesayangan :$:$:$ (blushing)
Salam onyohh :p